Monday, September 23, 2019

Critically assess the leadership style of chosen leader Essay

Critically assess the leadership style of chosen leader - Essay Example In this paper, I will examine Gandhi’s transformational leadership style, assessing it to reveal the different dimensions constituting it, such as strengths and flaws. Transformational leadership is one of the most effective leadership styles in the world, but it is also one of the rarest. There are very few transformational leaders in the true sense of the word, both because it is hard to develop and even harder to practice. The most revered and admired leaders in history have been transformational, so this shows how effective this type of leadership can be (Giannantonio & Hurley-Hanson, 2013). The foundation of transformational leadership lies in the fundamental essence of mankind. Human beings are social and emotional beings that need to be shown love and concern. Transformational leadership exploits this aspect of humanity by first developing a connection with people and then motivating and inspiring them both psychologically and morally. Gandhi portrayed himself not as a leader but also a follower. This is one of the primary attributes of transformational leaders. Despite being in a position of authority that allows them to use their powers to their advantage, transformational leaders prefer to live and act like their followers and, in the process, become like their followers. They like to suffer with them, to share their experiences, and to help them surmount the challenges they face as a team. Transformational leaders value unity and peace. Gandhi was not only an inspirational personality; he was also a peace merchant who preached peaceful demonstrations and activism (Molinaro, 2013). Exponents of transformational leadership are also often advocates of peace because it is difficult to cultivate connections with followers if there is no serenity or tranquility to support such an endeavor. It would not be too far-fetched to state that the

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