Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Television Affects The Family essays

How Television Affects The Family essays Opinion Essay: How Television Affects The Family The year was 1923, and Philo Farnsworth had an invention, and he called it The Television.(Farnsworth Cronicles) He had no idea how it would change the world. Since its arrival it has had a lasting impact on family life, throughout the world. When it first arrived, you couldnt find a family without one. Everyone was glued to their T.V. sets. Little has changed since its invention 81 years ago. Televisions became more modern and people couldnt pry themselves away from the tube. Soon enough this was affecting just how a family acted with each other. Parents were seeing less and less of their children and children were becoming couch-potatoes. The television has changed the way families were and are. When television was invented, it was not intended to be a replacement. Family is the most important influence in a child's life, but television is not far behind. When parents began to use the television as a baby-sitter or a teacher for their children is when they began to lose touch with their children. As the children grew up watching television and not interacting with their parents, they grew less and less apart. Children in the United States watch about 4 hours of TV every day. Watching movies on tape and playing video games only adds to time spent in front of the TV screen. It may be tempting to use television, movies, and video games to keep your child busy, but your child needs to spend as much time growing and learning as possible. Playing, reading, and spending time with friends and family are much healthier than sitting in front of a TV screen. (AAP) This is the truth. How can your child develop or how will you help them develop if you let them live their young life in front of a television? In the film, the Cable Guy, the mother of Jim Carreys character in the mo ...

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