Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Danisha Narvaez. Eng101. Professor Biever. Essay 3. Word

Danisha Narvaez ENG101 Professor Biever Essay 3 Word Count: Getting your teeth professionally cleaned Lots of people know that dental cleanings are crucial for having clean teeth, but what many don’t know or realize it s that it is also crucial for having a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. For being such a frequently visited place, there are lots that people do not know about. Here I will present you with what you should know, the process of, and what to expect on your next dental cleaning visit. Lots of people see the mouth as something completely separate and different from the rest of their body. The reality is that everything is connected to each other. Having problems in your mouth can cause or indicate diseases in other†¦show more content†¦Not the type of physical exam you would usually get where the doctor draws blood in or checks your abdominal area. This type of physical exam mainly consists of checking your entire mouth. The hygienist uses a small mirror and a dental probe or explorer to check around your teeth and gums to make sure there is no sign of decay. They also check for signs of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums,) periodontal disease (disease of the gums,) and/or oral cancer. Prior to getting this done, the hygienist goes over your medical history, taking notes about any heart problems, diabetes, past surgeries, and medications, that may impact your oral health. After the hygienists do all of this, she/he may proceed to the second step. The second step is removing the plaque,tartar, and stains that have accumulated on your teeth. The first tool that hygienists usually uses to do this is an ultrasonic instrument. The ultrasonic instrument is a device that uses vibrations to remove the larger pieces of tartar. This instrument also sprays mists of water to wash away the leftover debris. Once the hygienist removes the larger pieces of tartar, they will switch to a hand instrument called scalers or curettes.Unlike the ultrasonic instruments, scalers are meant to eliminate the leftover smaller pieces of tartar and plaque.Each tooth is done individually to ensure that all bacteria, plaque, and tartar is sufficiently removed. Once the hygienist is finished with the past step and made sure the teeth

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