Sunday, February 16, 2020

Hierarchy of Needs and FIT theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Hierarchy of Needs and FIT theory - Essay Example It is the fulfillment of the self through our efforts in developing our potential – the essence we are born with; and the acceptance of our limitations. It is our life purpose unfolded, integrated into the self and lived. Now, in keeping with his theory up to this point, if you want to be truly self-actualizing, you need to have your lower needs taken care of, at least to a considerable extent. This makes sense: If you are hungry, you are scrambling to get food; If you are unsafe, you have to be continuously on guard; If you are isolated and unloved, you have to satisfy that need; If you have a low sense of self-esteem, you have to be defensive or compensate. When lower needs are unmet, you can’t fully devote yourself to fulfilling your potentials. Once a person does not feel the needs of self esteem, he or she can weather the storms of daily life. Else they can feel lost. It isn’t surprising, then, the world being as difficult as it is, that only a small percent age of the world’s population is truly, predominantly, self-actualizing. Maslow at one point suggested only about two percent!

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